I Can Love You Like This

Written by Riana King


Posted on March 30 2022

Today, 16th March 2019, I pray and give thanks for the life I lead, through gratitude, how lucky, loved, abundant, and safe I am.

My heart goes out to the many who are not.

I try and help in my little way where I can.

At times, I doubt if it makes a dent in what is needed in the world on this day, but I guess every drop in the big bucket adds to the whole to be more wholesome.

I drop a tear on the dry dessert sand for us all, but mostly for the unconscious ones to wake the ef up and stop the deviding, the insecurity, the "lack of", the separation, the drunkenness on greed and hatred 💔

Two and a wee bit weeks remaining before I fall into the arms of my loved ones.

This thought, as I descent from the temple on my favourite morning walk through the village, watching Pushkar waking up to chant and chai from a distance, is making me want to be more present than ever before.

Present with every smile, every glance, every touch, every negotiation, every question, every beg, every tear, every why, every observation, every desire, and everything inbetween that is being presented to me in its present form.

....And more present and more there with my loves when I'm home again.

I feel as if I am in the crescendo period of all I've experienced over the last 3 months.

There has been a lot, a lot I can not describe or ever even share.

Feeling the blessings and the abundance of this journey I have been on (and still experiencing right now, every minute of it)

Feeling and falling deeper in love with the space, I am finding myself in as the most precious minutes tick-tock on.



📷 Pushkar March 2019

She smiles, and you smile with her.