Tiny Flames of Devotion

Written by Riana King


Posted on March 30 2022

What strikes me during this cold early winter morning is the presence of trust and belief here.

Loud and clear.


Tiny little fires of devotion in all the unexpected places, constantly reminding me of the point where I am on my own path:

The message: to stay light, stay true, stay free. 

Anxiety is fear with negative anticipation.

Excitement is fear with positive anticipation.

We have a choice right there.

I am self-obligated to choose that which feels light & free. 

Forgive yourself for the few times you might have unknowingly let yourself down and be grateful for the wakeup call, regardless of its size.

Forgive = to give - to get.

Such a privilege to see and feel people so devoted to their beliefs. Definitely stirring something deliciously up in this heart of mine! 

Oozing!!!! 💛🕌🙌